Sachin Rammoorthy

Engineer, researcher, cricket fan, dosa connoisseur

Ann Arbor, MI

About Me

What I'm up to:



Election Security

Working with Prof. Alex Halderman, leading a project applying network MiTM attacks and machine learning in election security. Involves reverse engineering and analysing election systems for security vulnerabilities.

Complex Systems

Alongside Profs. Mark Newman and Elizabeth Bruch at U of M, built a Markovian model to analyse academic pathways/curricular environments. Worked with large-scale course enrollment data (more than 1 million rows) and interweaved sociology, network theory, mathematics, and computer science.

Recent Projects

Reddit Search Engine

A custom search engine for infamously hard-to-search Reddit. Scraped thousands of posts for source data, created a PageRank-based reputation ranking system, used Hadoop Streaming to create a segmented inverted index, and created a distributed system for search. In my (unbiased) opinion, results were at least as accurate as Reddit search.

Wordle Bot

Created a bot for the popular word game Wordle using Machine Learning. Specifically, we use decision trees and entropy to narrow the ”space” of possible guesses every iteration. The bot beats the game 100% of the time!

Cricket Ratings

Developed a rating system for cricket players that is in use by a team in the biggest cricket league in the world (IPL). The program calculates ratings by analysing historical data through Markov chains and binomial distributions.

Links to stuff


Selected Testimonials:


Fantastic roommate. Always woke me up with his alarms.


His humor is legendary.


Pros: he's very optimistic and driven. Cons: he is —

Some cool ASCII art:

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